• 01-Let's Play

    Mimi and Haha went out for a walk and bumped into Bubu. He wanted to play with them, but was very shy. What could he do? As it turned out, he could offer to be friends! Say, “Hi, let’s play together!” and see what happens! In this episode, Bubu got to play with Mimi and Haha, and they had a lot of fun.

  • 02-Cheer Up

    Bubu hurt himself and got sad. Mimi and Haha tried to cheer him up, but nothing worked. How could they make him feel better? “To stop being sad we need to do something cheerful!” decided Mimi and offered singing a happy song.

  • 03-Sweet Lullaby

    Haha couldn’t calm down and fall asleep. Mimi and Bubu wanted to help him and decided to sing him a lullaby.

  • 04-Mr Fly

    The Berry Buds were watching the clouds for a long time, and Bubu’s eyes got tired. So the Berry Buds decided to play tag a little. To keep things interesting, Bubu, Haha and Mimi made up a funny song about a fly.

  • 05-Two Ways

    The Berry Buds are playing hide-and-seek. Haha hides behind a little bush. Mimi behind a little hill. But wait – what is Bubu doing?

  • 06-Let's Brush Our Teeth

    Haha doesn’t want to brush his teeth and runs away from Mimi and Bubu. He knows that brushing his teeth is really boring. Bubu suggests Haha brush his teeth in a fun way.

  • 07-A Toy for Nightime Joy

    The night came. Bubu and Haha were sleeping sweetly. But Mimi was having trouble falling asleep – she was scared! Because she was in her bed all alone. Haha got an idea how to help her.

  • 08-Near and Far

    The Berry Buds learn about the difference between far and near. If you see and hear something well and can reach it easily then it’s near. When something is far, you can’t touch it easily, it sounds quiet and looks really small!

  • 09-Five Little Buses

    The Berry Buds are playing with buses, learning to count to five. The buses of different colors drive merrily on lianas, with the Berry Buds rolling along.

  • 10-Yummy or Not Yummy

    The Berry Buds are rolling along lianas, trying different food. Are bananas tasty? And a lemon? Broccoli? Can you drink from a puddle? Is orange juice tasty? What happens if you eat cake messily? And if you add fish into ice-cream? Let’s find dinner together with the hungry Bubu, Mimi and Haha to know for sure!

  • 11-Above & Below

    How can you find your favorite toy if you don’t know what “up” is? In this episode, the Berry Buds learn about the difference between “up” and “down”. Where is Haha’s robot? It’s up, on the shelf. And where is Mimi’s toy panda? It’s down, under the table.

  • 12-Summer

    What is summer? It’s time when you swim in a lake, eat ice-cream and blow soap bubbles. In this episode, the Berry Buds have a great time in the sun, play tag and take a lot of photos to remember this day.

  • 13-Animal noises

    The Berry Buds find a very interesting bush. Someone is hiding in there! And it's meowing! Who is that? Who is meowing? And who is ribbiting behind the bush?

  • 14-I'm Sorry

    In this episode, lets learn how to say sorry. Mimi accidentally hits Haha with a ball. He gets very upset. How can she cheer him up? She has to say sorry for aplogize.

  • 15-The Clean Up Game

    The floor in the Berry Buds’ room is covered with toys. It's no surprise that Mimi trips and falls. They have to put everything back... But cleaning up toys is so boring! They don’t want to do it at all! “We need to come up with a fun game and sing a song!”

  • 16-Sharing is Caring

    Haha is in a wonderful mood today! But how are the other doing? Mimi dropped her muffin, Bubu can’t seem to make his dinosaur fly, and even a little ginger kitten is out in the cold rain. Haha decides to help everyone!

  • 17-Autum

    Autumn has come. The world turns shades of yellow, multi-colored leaves swirl in the air and puddles appear on the ground more and more. What is there to do? And what is “autumn”, anyway? In this musical episode, the Berry Buds will set out in search of adventure.

  • 18-Thank You

    The Berry Buds look out for each other. Haha can’t reach the top shelf to get his robot? Bubu comes to the rescue. Want a piece of chocolate? Haha is always happy to share with Bubu and Mimi. How can friends show their appreciation for such kind acts? By saying “thank you”.

  • 19-Washing Fruits and Veggies

    Did you know that horrible bacteria live on unwashed fruit and vegetables? They’re very bad for you! But there’s no need to be scared. The Berry Buds will surely beat them, since they know what bacteria are afraid of – plain water!

  • 20-Shoo Cloud

    The Berry Buds are all upset with each other and don’t know what to do. But the kind Nanny will help them feel better again! Let’s learn a new song together with the Berry Buds that will teach us how to deal with hurt feelings and make up with friends!